Advertise on The Law Engine's Home Page!

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You can place an ad, similar in size, style and color to the Google® ads found on both sides of our home page, for just $200 per month (billed quarterly).

We accept up to 10 such ads at any given time, 5 per side, from the top down on a 'first-come, first-serve' basis (these ads appear immediately below the "advertise on this page" line at the top of either margin of our home page).

Your entire ad will be linked to your website address.   To place your ad, enter title, copy and website address in the form below. Your ad will look similar to this (although colors are your choice):

Legal Research a Mouse Click Away!

Quality legal tools for finding what you need on the web!  In an easy, single-page format!

Monthly rates are billed quarterly -- $600 every 3 months ($200 x 3) -- charged to your credit or debit card by "Goldberger & Associates" (abbreviated on your statement as GOLDBERGERA) and renewed quarterly unless cancelled. Once your payment is processed, your ad will be on-line within 5 business days. There are no long term contracts. You may cancel at any time to avoid future quarterly payments by simply contacting us BY CLICKING HERE. Ad copy is subject to minor editing. We reserve the right to determine the appropriateness of each ad submitted.

Ad Submission Form

Ad Title (appx. 3-6 words)

Ad Copy (appx. 15-18 words)

Website Address (to link)

Your Email Address

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